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Internment Listing

The following information is compiled by Randy Presley.

Below is a table listing all of the graves in the Snow Hill Cemetery. The listing is in alphabetical order by last name. Since some monuments also listed a maiden name, these that have maiden names of families buried at Snow Hill are listed twice, both under the married name and maiden name. The location is based on a grid that comes from a book of Morris County cemeteries created by the Cass County Genealogical Society. This group has done a magnificent job of cataloging every cemetery in Morris County and has made it available to the public for a price of $20.00 plus postage per book as of 2001. There are two volumes - Northern and Southern. Snow Hill is in their Southern Section Book. There are 39 cemeteries in the Southern Section book which is 327 pages in size. A complete family name index of all 39 cemeteries is included. In addition to the information in my table below, the book includes all of the engraved lettering on each grave stone along with some photographs of the cemetery. Their address is P. O. Box 880, Atlanta, TX 75551-0880. Email to

This book is a partial source of the information below which I have updated.

The Sect column represents half of the cemetery with A being the North half and B the South Half. The Row column is the row number starting with number 1 at the West fence and increasing toward the East fence. The Grave column is the number of the plot in the Row. The A section starts numbering at the North fence and increases going South. The B section starts numbering at the first grave South of the center driveway and increases going South. At the bottom of the list is a link to a listing of unknown grave sites.

Except for the addition of Janet Martin Presley, who died on January 21, 2005 and is the first one buried in the new section, this listing has otherwise not been updated since late 2003. Others have been buried here who have not been added to the list. 

Additionally, please visit, for a listing (with photos and historical information) of graves at Snow Hill Cemetery.

Please click on the files, below, to download the internment listing of Snow Hill Cemetery in either an excel, word or PDF format.



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